tiistai 2. lokakuuta 2007

Keyboards finished!

So it's a start of a new week again. This should be the last week of the actual recordings - we have done our best reserving two weeks for the mixing cause there's a lot of stuff that has to be turned from shit into a piece of art. ;-) Me, Tommy and Matthew arrived here yesterday morning by Toni's car (cause "someone" from Spinefarm stood us up again!! :D). First I recorded "Tekno" (which is now renamed as "Transluscent Dreams" or "Transutekno 180") and it went really fluently. You can tell that it's the oldest song: actually I came up with the lead melody two years ago in this very same place as I was jamming by myself one night. We've played that song many times live too, so it has got its form ages ago. There's also gonna be a cool intro in the beginning of the song (or actually it's the intro for the whole album), so we emailed the keyboard parts of it to a friend of ours who will make the intro. I also finished "Erilainen Matti" and it turned out to sound quite cool too. Tommy also sang some parts for "Kotikatu" and it sounded REALLY good.

In the evening we visited our nearest grocery store to get some beer and food and got a lecture from the lady working on the shop, how clueless today's youth is in the kitchen. Oh, my. We tried to tell her we didn't have a stove here in the studio so the only option was to buy some prepared food and heat it in the microwave oven. She wasn't interested.

Later we watched Godfather DVD (the film is evergreen!) and as we constantly started to fall asleep with Tommy, we decided to go to sleep. That worked well until Matthew came to his bed bunk. It was a couple of minutes and the worst snoring I've ever heard, started. He sounded like a huge bear in his winter sleep! For an hour I just tried to ignore the sound, then I tried to listen to some doom metal in my iPod but that didn't help either. I also poked him so that he would turn in some different position in his bed but he's so special that he can snore even lying on his side! But then something happened: Matthew went to take a leak (of course he put the lights on that pointed straight to my eyes) and I thought I could fall asleep before the snoring started again. WRONG! He came back and restarted the growling in 30 seconds. Unbelievable!! I still tried to get some sleep but at 5:30 am or so I got tired of trying and went to sleep on the living room's sofa. I know by experience that the guy usually does snore, but this was the worst night ever.

So as my alarm clock rang at 9 am to finish the last songs I had left, I didn't understand anything. Miraculously I still got up and finished "Yhden sormen syna" and "Ampiainen". The last-mentioned finally sounded really good although I was totally clueless with the song cause they made some guitar harmonies on the chorus that weren't there before - so I had to rearrange all the keyboard parts. I actually came up with the chorus' keyboard lead last night. It seems that sometimes it's does good to work under pressure, I'm quite pleased to the song now.

My job is done now! I'll leave home tonight cause tomorrow I have to go to work (fuck!), so Tommy and Matthew will continue the reporting from here. So long, suckers!


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