keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2007

Recordings done!


Now my work is done and damn it feels like a relief after couple of months prepairing, writing lyrics and everything! I'm pretty satisfied with the result so far, the songs sound killer already. Now we just have to wait for those mixed versions to penetrate our ear system. Yesterday was quite long and hard working day: I arrived to Sound Supreme Studios at 10.30 in the morning and we started to nail vocals about 11.00.. so the day went by and approximately at 19.00 our featuring star, Jules came with Eve. Finally we had everything ready at 22.30. The rest of the day went quite smoothly. Damn, the relief is huge!

So, now I'm gonna vanish somewhere to have a relaxing couple of days off...

..."Signs of Existence" is waiting to encroach your minds and take your mortal souls hahaaa, sind Sie fehrtig?

-with lööv, T-

1 kommentti:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

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